We used to pay ourselves in order to receive water for washing and drinking.
We were clean and well-hydrated.
We were happy.
Then the psychopathic free market power/cash addicts privatised our water as the initial strategic plot in the latest version of Class War by the rich and the wannabees.
Now we pay rich investors with a monopolistic entity (a regional water company) to provide our water.
These investors utilise money that is already stolen from us via their position in the wage slavery pyramid to energise extra returns on capital.
Workers are sacked, water bills inflate, short termism is the focus, the infrastructure is dissected, the culture becomes demoralised, as the antisocials slim down the business to its bare bones (a lean operation) that might then be sold on even further along the psychopathic continuum for further profit for the investors.
Of course, after a few decades, any system that bases itself on a Ponzi structure akin to this will implode under the weight of its own irrationality.
Free market capitalism is doing that thing.
And then some...
Joseph Stiglitz: "The upper 1 percent of Americans are now taking in nearly a quarter of the nation’s income every year. In terms of wealth rather than income, the top 1 percent control 40 percent."
In a letter to the Financial Times last week, 20 leading (sic) economists called for the withdrawal of the 50p tax rate in that gold US client state Britain as it was driving entrepreneurs out of the country.
Is this a bad thing?
If someone who is earning hundreds of thousands or millions of pounds a year feels that it is unreasonable to return some of their ill-begotten gains to the society that generates those gains then he/she should be welcome to leave.
And good riddance too...
We need sustainable long term investment and strategy, not fly by night operators and slave drivers seeking the best return on investment on human misery while searching out innovative routes to the bottom of that barrel.
Secondly, just who are these so-called "leading economists"?
DeAnne Julius is the main signatory.
She started her career at the CIA - once CIA always CIA.
So she is a Class Warmonger then.
Of the other nineteen signatories, three each come from those leading universities Cardiff and Leicester while a further two are at peripheral London university City. Another two are from one consultancy, Volterra.
So 50% of what the mainstream media refer to as "leading economists" aren't while the remainder of the list of signatories is remarkable for the absolute absence of real leading economists.
Yet the BBC News unquestioningly led with this Class War propaganda item without argument, without noticing the savage public sector cuts and job losses that are parallelling this further attempt at a money grab by the antisocials.
We look forward to the BBC similarly extolling the rights of normal people to receive education and health and jobs and welfare as the world sinks into Depression.
Or take that other recent act of rampant capitalism - the British riots.
Get Real.
This was unabated consumerism.
I tell you you what I want, what I really really want...
...I want all those unaffordable consumerist items that you market to me ad nauseum.
Gimme gimme gimme.
The politicians are on the make, the judiciary bows to the state, the bankers are criminal, the generals lead us in illegal wars, the spies engender torture, the police are institutionally corrupt and the media is propaganda.
"You Class War us pal and, guess what, we Class War you too" was the refrain.
Unsurprisingly, the BBC did not portray the disenfranchised money grab in quite the same manner as it highlighted the regressive plea of the bleating rich.
Psychopaths are very fearful, cowardly in fact.
This is one of the primary drivers of the personality disorder that governs our world.
Fear is always just below the surface, hence the militarism, the mistrust, the geopolitical posturing, the creation of police states and illegal spying institutions.
John Pilger: "On 13 September, one of the world's biggest arms fairs opens in London, backed by the British government. On 8 September, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry [held] a preview entitled "Middle East: A vast market for UK defence and security companies". The host was the Royal Bank of Scotland, a major investor in cluster bombs. According to Amnesty international, the victims of cluster bombs are 98 per cent civilians and 30 per cent children. The Royal Bank of Scotland has received £20 million in public money. The blurb for the bank's arms party reads: "The Middle East is one of the regions with the greatest number of opportunities for UK defence and security companies. Saudi Arabia... is the world's top defence importer, having spent $56bn in 2009... a very worthwhile region to target."
The Global War On Terror, at the few times when it is not a complete ruse, is fearful.
But the big fear is reserved for that horror of horrors - that the masses might realise exactly how much they have been ripped off by those who do not wish to pay 50p in the pound on their earnings over one hundred and fifty grand a year.
Systemic corruption and extortion before running to your gated 'communities' is not a viable long term strategy.